Farmland Property Class (FT Assessment Class)

If you are eligible for the Farm Tax Program, your farmland is taxed at no more than 25% of the residential property tax rate. Your farm residence and one acre of land surrounding it continue to be taxed at the residential tax rate.

Assessment notices and assessment change documents received from the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation should be checked carefully to ensure that properties that are being farmed are in the Farmland Property Class. 

Most ownership changes will revert the property class to residential.  

If you wish to be placed back in the Farmland Property Class, you must be properly registered with Agricorp. 

For more information, visit Agricorp's website (Forms work best in Internet Explorer) or contact their customer service at 1-888-247-4999.

 Managed Forest Property Class (TT Assessment Class)

Through the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program (MFTIP), landowners who get their property classified as ‘Managed Forest’ pay 25% of the municipal tax rate set for residential properties.

To participate, you must prepare and follow a 10-year Managed Forest Plan that details how you will manage your forest property responsibly.

The plan must be approved by a Managed Forest Plan Approver. These individuals are independent resource management consultants, certified by, but not employed by, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

You also need to submit a 5-year progress report and update your management plan every 10 years to stay in the program.

For more information, visit the Province of Ontario's website or contact their customer service at 1-855-866-3847.

 Conservation Land Property Class (EN Assessment Class)

The Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program recognizes, encourages and supports the long-term private stewardship of Ontario’s provincially important natural areas. Under the Conservation Land Tax Incentive Program, portions of your property that have eligible natural heritage features may qualify for a 100% property tax exemption.

For more information, visit the Province of Ontario's website or contact their customer service at 1-800-268-8959.

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